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To raise awareness of the social and economic challenges the city of Detroit faces through photography.

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St. Agnes Church closed in 2006 and has been vacant since. While relatively intact when we first visited in 2009, water damage and vandalism have irreparably damaged this once fine building. [first photo 2006, second photo 2009]

An Allegory of Sin

It is amazing. It's a shame that he had to stop... apparently he would publish his findings and then within days, vandals and scavengers would loot his findings.

I started with the churches and then moved to everything else. His Facebook page has some good stuff too.


Allie said...

I have been following this blog for a while. The depressing thing for me is all the churches and formerly Catholic institutions, Detroit was once a thoroughly Catholic city.

Also, a little historical note, the church you have in your post, Saint Agnes, was the parish at which the famous "Radio Priest" Father Charles Coughlin assisted on the weekends while he was teaching across the river at Assumption College in Windsor. Saint Agnes was merged with area parishes in the late 1980s as part of an Archdiocesan restructuring plan that was very controversial. at that time, Saint Agnes became Martyrs of Uganda Parish.

Badger Catholic said...

Thanks for the background!

Anonymous said...

The owner of this property should have the structure torn down. How depressing to look at that.