Matt Bowman: Madison should respect free speech for faith

Imagine if Republican Gov. Scott Walker spearheaded a gag rule that banned teacher unions from approaching someone to “leaflet” or “educate” them on the public sidewalk within a block of the Square.

And imagine Gov. Walker justified his support for the law based on his belief the Capitol must be “a more comfortable place for people to approach,” and that a gag rule “balances” speech by banning “harassment” (defined as leafleting and education) all the way back to a visitor’s parking space or bus stop.

Madison would be enraged. The ACLU would file lawsuits, and every liberal group in the state would defend freedom of speech. Madison would again issue statements praising anyone who is “peacefully assembled to exercise democracy and First Amendment rights.” Except they would be hypocrites.

Madison is poised to enact this sort of gag rule on the speech of pro-life people who leaflet and educate outside abortion and health facilities. The proposal breezed through two committees last week.

The vanguards of freedom in Madison are not silent on this gag rule. They support it.
Read more:

Go read it, he thumps them in his closing. 

HT MadCatHerald


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