Bp. Morlino: Never give up on the beauty of marriage

Never giving up on the beauty of marriage

We’ve just celebrated Laetare Sunday.

We never give up hope and the way we show that we never give up hope is by proclaiming the beauty of marriage. We do so with two simple points: God created marriage and God created male and female for marriage.

Marriage is His design for human unity and human fruitfulness. This is the reason that is inscribed on the human heart.

If you look at the male anatomy and the female anatomy, it does not take a brilliant IQ to discover that male and female can become two in one flesh. It does not take a PhD to figure out what goes where, so that there might be a one-flesh union -- a union that is very joyful and a union that is pleasurable.

This union is one that is rightfully called love, because of the self-abandonment and acceptance of vulnerability that it involves. It is a beautiful union! And it is also a union where God can bring new life into the world, according to His own will.

When he calls them to marriage, God gives male and female a wonderful gift to be coworkers with Him in the space that He created for Himself that He might create new human life. That is why marriage is the highest human good. The space of sexual intimacy is so sacred that God uses it, with husband and wife, to bring new human life into the world. That is a beautiful, sacred thing.

As husband and wife express love, their love is so strong that by the power of God and according to His will, their love is strong as to be life-giving.

That is beautiful! It is a beautiful reality, and I think we need to have hope that the beauty of true marriage can still overpower the darkness that has brought us into this night.

We have to realize just how beautiful marriage is and we have to talk about the beauty of marriage. We have to talk about how it is a call worthy of the dignity of the human person and worthy of the cooperation of male and female.

God calls male and female to marriage. God does not call, according to His plan, two males or two females to marry each other. He just does not do that.
full article at MadCatHerald 


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