Cdl. Burke on "the Lord's teaching that marriage is in fact a way to salvation"

Cardinal Raymond Burke, the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (the highest canon law court in the Catholic Church) corrects confusion spread by those who say the Church is going to change teaching about divorced and remarried receiving Holy Communion. On June 29, EWTN aired an interview of Cardinal Burke by Thomas McKenna, president of Catholic Action for Faith and Family. McKenna asked Cardinal Burke about proposals that the upcoming extraordinary synod of bishops will change the Church's teaching on remarriage after divorce. Cardinal Burke explained that this could never happen and that Cardinal Kasper caused confusion when his talk to bishops in April was publicized.

The Church can't bend to the culture when the culture errors, said Cardinal Burke:

"Some people say 'Well the culture is predominantly divorcist and therefore the Church in her practice has to adapt herself to the situation of the culture.' That is not the nature of the Church. When the Church confronts a culture that is in some way weak or defective, or failing, as our culture is, Her mission is to call the culture to conversion and to teach ever more strongly the truth about marriage and to help, of course, individuals to live according to that truth. I think for instance of example in France and also in the United States, of associations of those who are divorced who meet regularly to encourage one another to remain faithful to their marriage (to their first marriage) because they believe very sincerely in the Lord's teaching that marriage was in fact, or is in fact, a way to salvation, and so these are the kinds of things that we ought to be encouraging …" SeeYouTube.

In a divorcist culture, divorce persons believe they are single again, and if feel like it, they should start dating again to find a "new spouse." In some particular situations, marriages are not valid. The Catholic Church with a decree of invalidity recognizes these situations officially. But all marriages wherein someone filed for divorce are not invalid.
continue at Spero News

HT St. Louis Catholic

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