WILL Objects to Marquette Suspenion on Behalf of Professor McAdams

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (“WILL”) posted on its objections to the suspension of its client, Professor John McAdams'. The objections are spelled out in its letter to Marquette President Michael Lovell. The post says, referring to Marquette's earlier letter to McAdams,
"The letter, taking a page from Franz Kafka’s The Trial, offered no explanation of what Dr. McAdams is alleged to have done or how it might violate any of the university’s rule[s] and regulations."
I might have used an analogy more closely related to academia, like "double secret probation".

P.S. We can only speculate about what line Marquette thinks McAdams crossed. On the unproblematic side of that line would be something like this from Theology Prof. Daniel C. Maguire.
"In 2006, I also received a letter form [sic] Archbishop Dolan (then Archbishop of Milwaukee where my Marquette University is located). ... He was rabid!"
Unlike McAdams, Maguire is still on the Spring course schedule.

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