Bp. Perry to give Fr. Augustus Tolton talk in Menomonee Falls on March 3
Fr. Augustus Tolton |
Cream City Catholic
Bishop Joseph N. Perry will give a talk on the life of the Servant of God, Father Augustus Tolton, atAquinas Academy in Menomonee Falls on March 3, at 7:00PM. Father Tolton (1854-1879) was an African American priest who lived through the tumultuous years of the American Civil War. Bishop Perry serves as Diocesan Postulator for the Cause of Father Tolton’s beatification and canonization. The talk is open to the public.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! This historian of Black Catholics is elated that these saint's lives are finally being talked about!!! All in God's time!! Santo Subito!!
Badger/ Matt, you beat me to getting this posted! Thanks though, it should be a great event!
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