Patrick Archbold featured at Argument of the Month next Tuesday May 12th

It's the SMOKER!

Topic: The Catholic Man : Public Enemy #1
  • Us Supreme Court to force Catholic acceptance of homosexual marriage
  • Catholic schools to be sued for not accepting homosexual lifestyle
  • Christian business owners forced to violate conscience or close their doors
  • Christian parents accused of hate crimes for upholding Catholic principles
  • With the US Supreme Court marriage hearings underway, will priests soon be forced to marry gay couples?
  • Will Catholic journalists be force to shut up or ship out?
  • What will Catholic Men do if our Catholic leaders stay silent?
  • How do Catholic men deal with the growing tide in America where good men are silenced for professing the teachings of the Faith?
  • In the end will Catholic men be forced to violate Catholic teaching or face becoming public enemies of the state?
details at Argument of the Month

You may know Patrick Archbold was recently fired by the National Catholic Register.  His brother Matthew is still retained there.  Patrick is now a new columnist at The Remnant.  The ad on his blog Creative Minority Report says "Patrick Archbold is not silent and lost his job with the National Catholic Register for pointing that the Faith is being compromised from within."  ....I'm certain Chesterton would agree.

I'd like to go but not sure yet.  No flat tires this time!

HT @trcthoughts

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