Milwaukee Archdiocese 2015 in review

The Milwaukee Catholic Herald's year-in-review article was headlined 2015 Saw End to Bankruptcy, Beginning of Renewed Urban Ministry. The online version does not, unfortunately, include links to additional information, like Herald articles on the items summarized.

On the first headline story, while the Bankruptcy Court did approve a plan of reorganization, the proceedings are not yet actually concluded. As you can see on the docket, there are still lawyers' bills to pay, and fight over.

Archbishop Listecki's blog post on Urban Ministry provides some additional detail on Fr. Kitzke's new sideline.


Anonymous said...

The most frustrating thing about this archdiocese is that they waste so much time and energy on efforts and initiatives that will not do a thing to turn things around. What is needed is to make a clear break from the past, and that includes demoting everyone from Weakland's era who still, yes still, hold positions of leadership. Then, bring in orthodox, educated Catholics who will begin to implement a bold vision rooted in our traditions.

Next, the archdiocese needs to take concrete steps to restore liturgical sanity and tradition. I think this is where the most resistance will be found. But until and unless the liturgy is restored in this archdiocese, along with orthodox catechesis and formation, all these other initiatives, "Urban Ministry" etc., will fall flat. Mark my words. A year in review in 2016 and beyond will basically be a rundown of numerous retiring priests and dwindling number of ordinations.

It's not 1970 anymore, but in Milwaukee, you'd never know it. A new logo that looks like a 2nd grader's First Communion banner won't change anything.

Anonymous said...

Plus they still need to clean out all the Weakland people.