Robbery DURING MASS thwarted by vigilant parishioners, off-duty police officer at Menomonee Falls parish

During the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Jan. 10, the congregation at St. Dominic Church heard the second reading from Acts 10 in which Peter tells those gathered that whoever fears God and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.

Given what worshipers witnessed moments earlier, Paul’s words to the Ephesians — “The thief must no longer steal, but rather labor, doing honest work with his own hands…” — may have been more apropos as parishioners, including an off-duty member of law enforcement, helped foil an attempted robbery that occurred immediately after the opening procession.

According to onlookers, the would-be thief, a 44-year-old white male from Menomonee Falls, slipped into one of the front pews and sat next to a woman whose purse he tried to put under his baggy overcoat when she wasn’t looking.

“When we were part way through the processional hymn our musician kind of missed a beat or two on his organ playing, which is very uncommon for him, and when I looked out, at the same time that was happening, I saw what looked like a scuffle on the side aisle, and one of the parishioners had yelled out, ‘You stole that woman’s purse!’” said Deacon Greg Diciaula, who was assisting at the Mass being celebrated by visiting priest Fr. Jerry Hudziak.
continue at MKE CH

Yes, go read the rest, it's really quite the story. He claims he has a gun at one point.... which raises some questions about firearms and self defense in church buildings themselves.

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