"Nearly two years after being shot three times in an attempted robbery in Milwaukee, Simon Muema professes first vows as a Salvatorian"

MILWAUKEE — When Simon Muema didn’t return home one Sunday evening in November 2014, police offered Salvatorian Fr. Paul Portland what they considered a logical explanation.

“He just wanted to leave and didn’t want to tell you,” Fr. Portand recalls being told when he went to the police station to file a missing person’s report.

Fr. Portland, director of candidates for the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians), explained that a report was eventually filed for the missing Muema, but it was considered non-critical because the police thought he likely left of his own free will.

Muema, 40, a native of Kenya, who came to Milwaukee and joined the Salvatorians in July 2014 with the intention of becoming a priest, was last seen volunteering at the St. Ben’s meal program on Sunday evening, Nov. 30.
It was a young man who shot him – someone about 22 years old – whom Muema had seen regularly at the meal program. He often chatted with him and even ran into him a couple times at an area gas station near the meal program. In fact, the two had struck up a friendship of sorts and Muema spoke with him several times about helping him find employment at a McDonalds or Walmart so he wouldn’t need to “hustle” for money at the gas station.
continue at MKE Catholic Herald

Wow, this is intense, a good article, go read it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Progress! Praise God. May God bless him.