Fr. Heilman Leads Coast to Coast Rosary

Providentially, on October 7, 2017, as the whole world looked on (New York Times article), a grassroots call for prayer, in mostly Catholic Poland, grew to one million strong in what was called, “Rosary on the Border.” Shortly after that, Ireland was inspired to do the same, and then Italy, and now the British Isles in what they call, “Rosary on the Coasts,” set for April 29, 2018. We, in America, have had something similar, which we called, “Novena for Our Nation.” Tens of thousands of faithful prayed the miraculous 54 Day Rosary Novena from August 15 (Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary) to October 7 (Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary).

Between now and October 7, under the banner of “Rosary Coast to Coast,” Americans across the country are invited to lead, pray and engage with “Rosary Coast to Coast” wherever they can gather: along the US coasts and borders through pilgrimages and processions. If unable to organize trips to the US coastline, they are encouraged to participate in parish churches; in front of state capitols; as families; or simply while viewing the live-stream of the National Rosary Rally in Washington, DC.
To sign-up as a coordinator or participant, go to


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