Cardinal George to honor race-baiting Father Michael Pfleger

From Michell Malkin
In June 2008, the racial cowards of the Chicago Archdiocese put Pfleger on a temporary leave to quell churchgoers’ outrage over Pfleger’s Hillary Clinton-mimicking, America-bashing, Vanilla Ice-prancing, Jeremiah Wright-impersonating, Louis Farrakhan-embracing cult leader. After laying low a measly few weeks to “reflect” on his outbursts, Pfleger returned triumphantly to the pulpit. And now, he’ll be feted by the Archbishop for his toxic tongue.

American Papist with more coverage 

H/T Dad29

1 comment:

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

This is very unfortunate.
I suspect there is "more to the story". I hope and pray there is!