Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration kick out The Badger Catholic

If you are following along at home, you will note that I joined the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in their Prayer Partner program.  I signed up to make a holy hour each week and pray with the sisters.  Things went quite well.  The sisters were very hospitable.  Most people told me I was a fool for even thinking it, let alone following through and joining.  Maybe I was a fool.  But these sisters have done so much good, and as I said: they built this diocese through prayer and sacrifice.  I had heard a great many negative things about the FSPA order most apparently through their "Spirituality Center," but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to believe that much of what had been said was misunderstood.

The prayer hour was going quite well, a good experience.  Last week on Tuesday after I went in for my hour, as I was leaving at the rear of the Maria Angelorum Chapel I saw a poster set on a table with some prayer ideas for Advent so naturally I stopped to see what would be good to try.  Sadly, the reflections were clearly influenced by the New Age religion called Reiki.  Some of the sisters are actually Reiki instructors and practitioners.  I posted the text and photo here. One of the reflections read (and I quote) "Do I look for the beauty and freedom of the darkness?"  Another referred to "others" in clear reference to Reiki "spirit guides" who are spiritual beings, some call them angels(although no one claims they are good angels) whom help you progress in Reiki religious development.  Without getting into it to much, Reiki is forbidden by the US Bishops and leads many good people away from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the husband of each of the FSPA sisters.  He should not have to complete with another spouse. 

I posted it in passing as I do with most of my posts.  Did I think that it was influenced by the New Age religion?  Yes.  Did I think that all the sisters were bad because that poster was sitting there?  No.  Did I think there are probably a few sisters that are incredibly misguided on their approach to spirituality?  Absolutely.  Is that uncommon at all in religious communities across the US?  No.

The following week I received an email from Sr KM who runs the prayer partner program.  She said we needed to talk the next day when I went in for my 7 am holy hour.  When I arrived Sister asked me to come into a separate room with one other sister I knew and informed me(politely) that I violated their trust and that the chapel was their home and I had intruded upon it by taking a photograph(which was forwarded on to her in an email by an undisclosed party of interest) and publishing it on the internet.  I was told explicitly I was no longer welcome on the premises nor allowed to pray in their chapel and that I was to leave without delay.  I thanked the sisters for the opportunity and told them that it wouldn't be the first time my big mouth got me in trouble.  I was gracious to them for the opportunity to pray and offered encouraging words for their, let's face it, dying order.  The exchange was honestly very cordial but after trying to initiate a dialog it was clear Sr KM was not willing to discuss the real issue, that of Reiki religious worship by her order. 

The apparent "cover up" struck me as the most unsettling aspect of the whole conversation, there was no attempt to explain or defend, no "that's how we do things 'round here."  I was expecting some kind of explanation, but all that came to be was a "cover up" so to speak and assurance to the FSPA order that I couldn't "spy" or whatever it is they think I was doing.  What was so terrible there that they had to kick out a young Catholic for asking the honest question: why should I look for the "freedom of the darkness"?  Why couldn't we discuss the issue at hand?  I would expect a religious order to instruct me.  I dropped out of college once, and I barely got a two year tech degree.  I have no formal religious instruction.  Wouldn't they want to help me to understand what I am missing in the poster's message? 

Had I taken photos of the chapel and spoke poorly of the ugly carpet near the altar I would certainly not have been removed.  I hit a nerve.  It seems the sisters were either unwilling or unable to defend the promotion of New Age worship(I did not notice any New Age stuff within the prayer chapel, it was full of good prayer books, rosaries, ect).  As you have seen me several other times post pictures when I visit places and give my opinion on them.  That's what bloggin's 'bout.  Not only do I cover local news, but I give first hand accounts of my experiences in the area.  At the time I put hardly any thought into the post, other than it was of interest but not exactly earth shattering stuff because we've heard it all before.

I am disappointed.  To speak frankly, my patron is St. Joseph.  Under his title of Protector of Virgins I felt compelled to go pray with and for these sisters by his instigation..... Well, if you see knee marks in the snow outside the chapel, you'll know how they got there.
St Rose of Lima, ora pro nobis!
St. Francis, conqueror of vices, ora pro nobis!
Our Lady Queen of the Angels, ora pro nobis!


athomemama said...

The poster was set out for all to see. It's not like you snooped until you found something to blog about......

Kathryn said...

What a disappointment. I wish they would have explained themselves a little more. It seems so odd to just ask you to leave and never come back. If they felt there was some violation wouldn't the more appropriate response to be ask you remove said post and not do it again? Very strange. I think you are right, you hit a nerve.

Kat said...

Oh, undisclosed parties of interest...what havoc you wreak. All the man was tryin' to do was pray!

I'm sorry that things turned out so badly. I'll remember the Sisters in my prayers.

Dad29 said...


You are not the first, nor will you be the last, who's been tossed for questioning the....ahhhh.....questionable assertions of religious Orders.

(IOW, that makes two of us...)

thepalmhq said...

Ah Matt, you're in good company. Some years ago we confronted Viterbo for hosting a pro-homosexual play and then we had Fr. Mitch Pacwa come and speak on Viterbo's campus on the New Age movement. Subsequently I was told by the president of Viterbo that if I set foot on the campus I'd be arrested for trespassing ;o).

Anonymous said... may find your answer in the "mystery of faith." Though I'm Catholic, I find the Dalai Lama inspiring. Does that make me misled? Perhaps the order viewed you as an antagonist and it's always best to diffuse than to feed the fire.
2 cents.

God Bless

Badger Catholic said...

Thanks for your thoughts Anon. I wish the sisters were open to discussion on that very question. What position on spirituality of the Dalai Lama can a Catholic assent to(obviously it's not all his positions)? There's good discussion to be had here, but unfortunately not by this religious order.

Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

My husband and I are visiting Wisconsin next week and I was researching things to do when I stumbled on the sisters' website which led me to do a little research and here I am. This order has been so poisoned it is probably irredeemable. Exposure of their nonsense is necessary to protect others from their new age nonsense. Thank you for being the light shining on one more scandal within. It is the enemies of the Church who are inside the walls who do the most damage. I'm linking to your blog.

Terry Nelson said...

I had no idea. You reacted well - they obviously did not. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

This post is about 14 years old, and it's interesting to see how they no longer hide this kind of thing. Since the time of this post, a sister has promoted critical race theory through an essay in the La Crosse Tribune, and another gave a presentation promoting it to other sisters. The FSPA have also invited a "Fat Acceptance" activist to speak at their Spirituality Center and promote the idea of "fat pride" AKA "fat liberation." They have also invited speakers to promote the idea that there are infinite genders. All of these events were advertised on their website in recent years. They don't feel the need to hide these beliefs anymore. Recently, one of the FSPA who works at Viterbo was in the news. She said a student approached her wanting to make a Pro-Choice club. She supported the idea, but said they needed a new name, like "Health Club", because "Pro-Choice" is not allowed in the Catholic Church. But she said the club could do much of the same work as a pro-choice club. She also said they were making the pro-life club jump through hoops to make their work more difficult. Someone recorded this and it was leaked to the media. I was a Viterbo employee in attendance at the event where she spoke alongside hundreds of other employees. The recording was real. Please, I ask for everyone's prayers for the FSPA and the school they used to run, which is right next door, Viterbo University. The situation has only gotten worse.