Justice Prosser attack ads heat up as election approaches April 5

A victim of Father John Patrick Feeney's sexual abuse in the 1970s writes that he's upset with an ad criticizing Supreme Court Justice David Prosser's decision not to pursue charges against Feeney when Prosser was Outagamie County District Attorney.

Troy J. Merryfield, who now lives in Suffolk, Va., released a statement Friday that says the ad by the Greater Wisconsin Committee is "offensive, inaccurate and out of context" and that he would actually vote for Prosser if he was a Wisconsin resident. He wrote that he wanted the group to remove the ad from the airwaves.

Three years ago, Merryfield was critical of Prosser, saying he should step aside when cases involving priest sexual misconduct come before the high court.

"He knows damn well what happened and what was said," Merryfield said at the time. "He dropped the ball, and he should recuse himself."

In his formal statement Friday, Merryfield wrote that Prosser chose not to file charges against Feeney because of his concern about the emotional turmoil that a trial could have had on him. Merryfield also writes that Prosser received assurances from the Green Bay diocese that administrative action would be taken against Feeney.

The Greater Wisconsin Committee said it stood by the statements made in the ad, which they said "are supported by newspaper accounts and material gathered during the prosecution of Feeney."

Greater Wisconsin is a pro-abortion front group.  They think if they get a liberal judge, they can then overrule everything Gov. Walker is doing(including pro-life legislation).  Since liberal judges do not make rulings on the actual law of the land but on their own political interests, this probably would happen.  Remember to vote Prosser on April 5th.  Make sure to remind folks to vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since it was clear that a law was broken, he still should have filed charges regardless. I really don't think your post here helps your cause at all. Can't wait to see Prosser get stomped next week. And yes, I'll be sure to remember to vote. Thanks for the reminder.