WRTL supports Senate Bill 92


Remember this?

A good opt-out to Obamacare abortion funding failed to make it out of committee in Wisconsin

Awkwardly Wisconsin Right to Life come out strongly in support of a measure that guarentees that taxpayers will have to pay for abortions in Wisconsin.  From LifeNews
Wisconsin Right to Life strongly supports Senate Bill 92 and the organization’s Legislative Director, Susan Armacost, offered testimony at the hearing in support of the measure.

She said one of the provisions of the PPACA requires states to operate and maintain “health insurance exchanges.” Qualified health insurance plans offering abortion coverage are allowed to participate in a state’s exchange and to receive federal subsidies unless the state legislature affirmatively opts-out of offering abortion coverage.

“Specific language in the PPACA permits a state to opt-out of allowing insurance plans that cover abortions to participate in that state’s exchanges,” she said. “Senate Bill 92 clarifies that a qualified health plan as defined in the federal law that is offered through any exchange operating in the State of Wisconsin may not cover any abortion whose performance is ineligible for funding under Wisconsin’s current funding law, s. 20.927.”

“The citizens of Wisconsin must not be placed in the position of subsidizing abortion coverage in the health care exchanges mandated by PPACA,” said Armacost. “The state can take preventative action in this regard now by enacting Senate Bill 92.”
Read the bill yourself:
This funding prohibition does not apply in the following circumstances: 1) the abortion is directly and medically necessary to save the life of the woman and a physician so certifies; 2) the abortion is performed in the case of sexual assault or incest, a physician so certifies, and the sexual assault or incest is reported to law enforcement; and 3) due to a preexisting medical condition, the abortion is directly and medically necessary to prevent grave, long-lasting physical health damage to the woman and a physician so certifies.
1) Direct abortion is never medically necessary to save a woman's life.
2) This is not the legality of killing unborn children due to the condition of their conception, but who has to pay for it.   
3) That can mean just about anything. 

Self defeating.  It is better to not enact Senate Bill 92 and wait for a better one to be presented.  This type of legislation works for politicians to score points with prolifers without having to actually enact pro-life legislation which has any practical effect.  Remember, abortions can and are performed through all 9 months in pregnancy in Wisconsin.  There is a reason for that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Other organizations testifying in support of SB 92 were Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Catholic Conference. Pro-Life Wisconsin registered in favor of SB 92.