Bishop Ricken leads Mass as Lifest ends in Oshkosh

Bishop David Ricken always wanted to go to Lifest. But since taking over as head of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay in 2008, something else always came up.

“So last year I put it on the schedule to be here today,” Ricken said Sunday. “I’ve heard just wonderful things about it, so I’ve got a lot to learn. I just need to be around as many young people as I can. They’re not only the future but the present, so we’ve got to reach out to them and thank them for what they’re doing.”

Ricken led 9 a.m. Mass from the Thrivent Café Stage on the final day of the 13th annual Lifest celebration at Sunnyview Expo Center. Hundreds worshipped as intermittent showers trickled down on the large tent.

“It’s exciting that the bishop is taking time out of his day and out of his Sunday to be here,” Becky Livingstone of Oshkosh said.

Sharon Oberkrieser of Oshkosh, who attends St. Raphael’s in Oshkosh with husband Bill and son Jacob, appreciated the Mass after having enjoyed the music, ministry and prayer at Lifest, she said.
the rest plus photos at GB Press Gaz. least the male altar servers are vested well. 

Made me think of how well the altar was done at the Men's Conference in Milwaukee

I think youth respond better to "living tradition" than they respond to "target marketed."


Brianne Duncan said...

Agreed! Traditional is appropriate in every setting!

Dad29 said...

This was a VERY good move by Bp. Ricken.

Anonymous said...

I am very puzzled by Bishop Ricken’s color choice of his vestment worn for the Lifest Mass.
Just as certain types of clothes are worn during certain times of the year (i.e. summer and winter), the vestments worn by the priest at mass signifies meaning associated with the various seasons of the liturgical calendar and black is representative of mourning and death. It is worn on Good Friday and for Masses of the dead.

Badger Catholic said...

Anon, the colors are green. If you follow the link there are additional photos.