St. Mary of the Oak near Madison, WI

This chapel was built by a Catholic farmer for deliverance from a diptheria epidemic in the mid-nineteenth century, in Dane county, Wisconsin (not far from Madison). It is now owned and maintained by the county, but was once on private land. It is dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary, and Mother of GOD. It's called St. Mary of the Oaks probably because it is in a wooded area comprised largely of oak trees.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Badger, there is no particularly appropriate place to put this, but are you familiar with St. Nicholas Croation Catholic Church in Millvale, Pennsylvania, outside Pittsburgh. It has a unique series of murals by Maxo Vanka, of a distinctly working class, sometimes even socialist, character.

The centerpiece is Mary, Queen of Croations, of course, but it also includes two battlefield scenes with Jesus in one and Mary in the other separating opposing combatants, The Capitalist, pre and post immigration scenes, and The Immigrant Mother Raises Her Sons for Industry, opposite the Holy Mother lamenting her Son -- inspired by a mining accident in which a family lost four sons.