St. Benedict, tattoo pro nobis?



Maybe this one is more appropriate...

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

The tattooed one is the actual medal design. Does he have the other side of the medal on his chest?

I highly doubt there is any sacramental value of a tattoo. The scapular for instance has an alternate medal that is permissible only in certain climates. I once saw a fellow with the scapular tattoed around his neck. Again, I highly doubt it carries any of the sacramental graces. I've often considered the incovenience of wearing a scapular part of the penitential value.

On another level, tatooes are of questionable morality, and certainly bad judgement in general. The Fathers criticized the use of cosmetics on women and that is applicable to tatooes. First, a woman looks in the mirror and judges herself ugly (thus needing cosmetics), and secondly does not accept what God has given her.