Wisconsin Family Action endorses Wisconsin Personhood

Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) has endorsed the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, legislation that would amend the Wisconsin Constitution to apply personhood rights to preborn children at all stages of development. WFA is an associate of Focus on the Family. Click here for the WFA legislative memo urging co-sponsorship of the personhood amendment. Pro-Life Wisconsin agrees with WFA’s legal findings and conclusions.

Ironically, Clarke Forsythe of Americans United for Life - the pro-life attorney Wisconsin Right to Life brought in for their Day at the Capitol in February to oppose a personhood amendment in Wisconsin — seems to be warming up to the idea of personhood! Forsythe recently penned a column in the Washington Times entitled "Saving Personhood" in which he argues that "recognition of the personhood of the unborn child is a movement as old as English common law." According to Forsythe, "[s]tate protection of the unborn child as a person is no longer a novel thing. It grows year by year, state by state, and the public supports it."

For more information on the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, please go to PersonhoodWisconsin.com.

This a big endorsement for WI Personhood.   WFA lead the charge and is basically responsible for passing the Wisconsin Marriage Amendment, not to mention leading the charge to repeal the terrible sex-ed bill passed recently.  A great organization with a fantastic track record.