Bizarre Rockford abortion facility to close permanently

Pro-Life Wisconsin's Rock County affiliate has been instrumental in the closing of this abortion mill, and we congratulate them on their successful pro-life efforts. Proof that pro-life activism works, PLW Rock County members regularly sidewalk counseled and prayed outside this abortion facility for more than twenty years.

We have already seen women traveling to Milwaukee from northern Illinois for abortions, and we anticipate the traffic to continue. Affiliated Medical Services in Milwaukee is the only remaining late-term abortion facility in Wisconsin.

From LifeSiteNews:
After years of protests and prayer vigils, pro-life activists in Rockford, Illinois can finally breathe a sigh of relief – the notoriously bizarre Northern Illinois Women’s Center (NIWC) has announced that it will close permanently.

“The staff is very saddened by the closing,” said the owners of the facility in a statement released Jan. 13 to the Rockford Register Star. “We are not done grieving this loss and still are struggling with surrendering to the idea that we will not be able to do this work tomorrow or the day after.”

The statement comes on the heels of news that the facility was prepared to reopen its doors after it reached a settlement with state health officials earlier this month, after being shut down late last year for health violations.

However, the Register Star reports that the director of NIWC said that the decision to shut down permanently was due to “a lack of support from the community, the political climate surrounding the abortion issue both locally and nationally and the challenge the clinic would face in rebuilding staff,” in the words of the Register Star reporter.

“We thank God that Rockford’s long nightmare is over,” pro-lifer Kevin Rilott, who has led pro-life vigils outside the NIWC for years, told “This abortion mill killed tens of thousands of babies and wounded countless women. Their closing is a gift from God.”

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