Fr. John Zuhlsdorf to speak at KDM in Cross Plains Sept. 7th

Our first Night of Knights on September 7th, we will hear from well known blogger Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of What Does The Prayer Really Say (click here). Fr. Z, as he is better known, is a true crusader for the truth and beauty of our faith. His motto: "Save the Liturgy, Save the World" is his battle cry to promote reverent celebration of both the Ordinary Form and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite liturgy of the Mass and the revival of the much neglected sacrament, Confession and Penance. He has traveled all over speaking and is a regular columnist for The Wanderer newspaper.
Night of Knights Schedule

5:30 pm - Votive Mass of The Sacred Heart of Jesus for the intentions of the Knights and those asking for our prayers
6:00 pm - Angelus and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:10 - 7:00 pm - Chanted Vespers, Adoration, and opportunity for confession
7:00 pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy
7:10 - 7:50 pm - Talk by Fr. Zuhlsdorf
8:00 pm - Benediction
8:15 pm - Meatless meal & social in the school gym. Please bring a dish to share and/or a suggested donation of $10 for the food prepared for us.

Please click the link below to let us know if you can come or not. Make sure to invite at least one other man who has never attended KDM before.

Click Here to Register Now!
Knights of Divine Mercy


I hope to attend.


Maggie said...

Ahhhh so jealous! Whenever he is in Madison (quite often, actually) I always have a little mini fangirl freakout.

Unknown said...

Yeah, he likes to some to Madison. All you guys in the Madison area: get to KDM. It's awesome, even when Fr. Z isn't there.