Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle. 2 Thes 2:15
Mark "I'd have two dozen children" Neumann got a B? I'd have marked him down at least a grade more for being an insensitive boor, so it's probably good I wasn't doing the tallying.
Kat -- I hear ya, woman.
What ever happened to "no comment"... I mean if you are in politics, isn't that pretty basic...
Maybe we need a top 10 list of things Neumann would say instead of no comment. "I hate puppies" I think would be on there.
Remember that whole Obama eats dogs thing? LOL.
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Mark "I'd have two dozen children" Neumann got a B? I'd have marked him down at least a grade more for being an insensitive boor, so it's probably good I wasn't doing the tallying.
Kat -- I hear ya, woman.
What ever happened to "no comment"... I mean if you are in politics, isn't that pretty basic...
Maybe we need a top 10 list of things Neumann would say instead of no comment. "I hate puppies" I think would be on there.
Remember that whole Obama eats dogs thing? LOL.
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