Knights of Divine Mercy, St. Mary's Church, Cross Plains, WI

It was awesome, I'm going back next month.  Fr. Rick will be talking about his new book which I just grabbed on Kindle!

'Church Militant Field Manual: Special Forces Training for the Life in Christ'.
'Paperback from Amazon'.
'Kindle E-book from Amazon'.
'Direct from Deus Vult Press'.

Oh, and Fr. Rick is now on Twitter for those of you who tweet.  

There were probably 100 men there, almost everyone went to confession(Fr. Z and Fr. Rick were both hearing them).  The music was fantastic.  It's time to start this in La Crosse.  I talked with Tim Virnig who is the national director about this very thing.  Email me if you are interested in helping.

The official aunt of the BC had got some rosary rally shirts for me and the mrs.  Thanks!

Met none other than Mr. Ben Yanke.  He's tall. 

I twisted Steve Karlen's arm until he submitted and joined the BC as a contributor.  Aristotle is still holding out but I plan to badger him into submission.  

Father Z was excellent.  In fact, I think he exceeded my expectations.  I can't tell you how beneficial it is for me to actually hear a priest talk about liturgy as if it mattered.  The talk was recorded, so I'll post it once KDV put it up there.   I did get to meet him briefly.  I'm not trying to back hand compliment him here, but he was much younger than I expected.  Before I had met him I was walking over to the gym where they have food and social time and I was behind Fr. Heilman and Fr. Z and Fr. Z was talking about the constellations which made me smile.  At any rate, I told him my name and I think he may have recognized it, but I didn't get a chance to mention I was the Badger Catholic which I think he would have remembered.  So the point is, excellent speaker(I'm lookin at you men's conferences of the state).  But honestly, it's a topic that priests need to hear about even more than laity.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I knew you would...

Kat said...

My husband was really bummed he couldn't be there -- he had to work too late to make it out to Pine Bluff. It's good to hear it was a great night, though!

Ben Yanke said...

The audio is up! If you couldn't make it, check it out! It was great, as Matt said.