Dominic Pio in critical condition: Update: "Tell them the prayers are working"

He had another seizure and stopped breathing for a long time.  The reason he is so difficult to manage with the sodium levels is he has a condition called "water diabetes".  It affects his ability to monitor how much urine output he makes, allowing for sodium levels to go where they shouldn't.  They are trying to adjust it, but having difficulty figuring it out.  He is still with us but not in good condition.  They are putting an ekg on him right now.  His heart is also not pumping regularly and the heart rate dips too low.  He is still with us though.
Dominic continues to be critical, his heart rate keeps on dropping and then spiking too high.  They tried to put in an arterial line to put in more potent medicines, but it did not work, his heart rate kept on going too high.  They may try this evening.

Fr. Higgins from Immaculate Conception church came by as well as our good friend Father Bob from Opus Dei. Fr Higgins confirmed Dominic for us as you do not normally give a baby last rights because they haven't had the capability to sin.  It was beautiful.  He brought us a statue of Padre Pio and St. Philomena to keep.  He also brought a first class relic of Padre Pio's blood stained cloth from his glove, which he blessed Dominic and us with.  Thank you for your prayers and fasting.  
What an absolutely magnificent priest. 

I just spoke with Mary, and Dominic is stable now.  She said she began to feel peace again after meeting with the priest and Dominic received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  They had an incredible nurse last night and both she and Mark were able to get some sleep.

Mary is fasting from the internet today because she said, " I just need to be with my son and pray with him."  They will be working on Dominic's sodium levels today, so please pray that they will be able to regulate them as this may be the cause of his struggles.  She is also hesitant to post anything about Dominic's condition because it can change so quickly.  Mark said, "Tell them the prayers are working."

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