Joe Lombardi speaks at Men of Christ conference in Milwaukee

There aren’t many names in the sports world that are considered almost royalty, but the Lombardi name holds special meaning in Wisconsin.

On March 9 at the Men of Christ conference, New Orleans Saints quarterback coach Joe Lombardi, grandson of legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi, spoke to a crowd of men some old enough to remember his grandfather.

“The Lombardi family, there’s always going to be a part of us, a part of our hearts here in Wisconsin, so every year I do love coming back to this state,” Lombardi said.

Like his grandfather, Lombardi is a devout Catholic and a member of Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Mandeville, La.

Getting up and sharing my faith is not something that comes naturally to me; it’s not something that I’m very comfortable with,” Lombardi said.

Walking out on stage at the Milwaukee Theater while a piano played, “When the Saints Go Marching In,” [CORNY!!] Lombardi told stories about his grandfather and his faith.

“His faith was very important,” Lombardi said, adding his grandfather spent three years in the seminary. “He went to Mass every day and received the Eucharist. And Bart Starr would tell you if you heard him every afternoon at practice, you’d understood why he had to go to Mass everyday.” [LOL, but very true!]
continue at MilCatHerald

Check out Joe Lombardi's conversion(or re-version) at Quiet, Dignity, and Grace

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