Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Allowing “Choose Life” License Plates

The Wisconsin Assembly has approved AB 206, a bill sponsored by Republican Rep. Andre Jaque (R- De Pere) which would allow a “Choose Life” license plate in the state. Choose Life plates typically serve as a source of revenue for pregnancy resource centers, which are allocated a donation for each specialty plate that a pro-life resident purchases.

According to Choose Life America, Inc., Florida was the first state to allow “Choose Life” license plates in 2000. Since 2000, over $16 million has been collected from sale of these plates, and that money has been used for pro-life causes, pregnancy centers, and adoption assistance.

A non-profit organization, Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., has been set up to handle the sale of these license plates in Wisconsin should the bill pass. Each person choosing to buy one of these plates will pay an additional $15 to the state and $25 that will be given to Choose Life Wisconsin. After the costs associated with making the special plates are paid, the funds given to Choose Life Wisconsin will be dispersed to pregnancy centers around the state. The state Assembly voted 54-38 to approve the legislation 00 with Democrats attacking Republicans by claiming they are picking sides in the abortion debate and denying women’s health care, even though the funds go to centers that support pregnant women.
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