... It seems to me years ago we were always discussing the Polka Mass.

.... The Polka Mass has ZERO connection with European Culture, as we've discussed before, its a byproduct of tacky liturgical innovation in 1970.  St. John Paul II did not celebrate a Polka Mass, this is an American phenomenon:
The first polka mass was created by Father George Balasko in 1972 and the idea was spread by Father Frank Perkovich throughout the '70s and '80s.[16] Both were polka musicians. In composing a polka mass, a musician either alters the lyrics of polka pieces to become more appropriate for a spiritual setting or creates an entirely new piece of polka-style music to sing with the usual sacred text.[16] Robert Walser argues that the exuberant polka music motivates participants to "worship more vigorously." He also asserts that the polka mass "brings the community into the church" because it involves music and lyrics that the congregations are more familiar with.[16]
We know they happen all over the place.   The frustrating part is that as far as music goes, Vatican II gives absolutely clear instruction on the matter. In all honesty, I'd love to know how one comes to the conclusion that a Polka Mass is a faithful representation of authentic Catholic worship.  Instead of a yearly Solemn High Mass or orchestrated Mass, or some other Catholic cultural devotion, these parishes innovate, but not in the true and organic way innovation happens(and should happen) but in an artificial manner where the baby is thrown out with the bath water.

I still get people trying to comment on a four year old post on the matter.  We are "cranky" for desiring what the Church teaches on liturgy, and we should "get over it."  Polka Mass Catholics are out there, and they are "evangelizing" us all in 2/4 time.

Man, I could rant for a while.  Folks desiring to connect with Catholic European culture...  and this is what they pick..... I have to get some work done today.  I'm sure his excellency supports anything he feels energizes his flock.

Gregorian and also vernacular chant music was created for the communal worship God.  Polka music was invented for dance.


acardnal said...

I agree 100 percent with your post. I find it very distasteful to celebrate Polka Masses, and it is even more distasteful when a bishop is involved. It makes a mockery of the holy sacrifice of the Mass and treats it like it's an entertainment and not an act of worship. Instead of raising the flock's hearts and minds upward to God it suggests pandering to the lowest common denominator.

The Vatican II document "Sacrosanctum Concilium" said that the "pipe organ is to be held in high esteem" and "Gregorian chant . . .should be given pride of place in liturgical services."

“Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment.”
-(Spirit of the Liturgy p. 198), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

Anonymous said...

I guess its just a Polish/Eastern European American thing, because even though I agree with your points. as a Polish-American, I have been brought to tears at worship at Polka masses. Maybe it has more to do with ethnic pride and being descending from a people who were oppressed and conquered frequently, but Polka masses can make certain peoples' hearts swell with pride and gratefulness to God for having given us the grace to persevere in the face of great obstacles. Just a perspective.

Anonymous said...

They could make it more authentically Polish by only having communion on the tounge, as it is still,the norm for reception here.

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear Psalm 51 sung as a polka. During Lent. Preferably Good Friday.

You can do this, people.