Wisconsin Lawmakers Want Planned Parenthood Audit After Getting Overbilled for Family Planning

A group of Wisconsin law makers is calling for an investigation into family planning centers and Planned Parenthood centers in the state.

The request was sent by 28 Wisconsin State Representatives and 4 State Senators in a letter dated January 22, 2015, to Senator Robert Crowles and Representative Samantha Kerkman, co-chairmen of the non-partisan Joint Legislative Audit Committee.

The two were asked to, “conduct a comprehensive independent audit of Wisconsin’s Medicaid family planning providers including Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) .”

The letter details what it calls “red flags” already discovered by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Health Services against two family planning facilities in the state which over-billed the state a combined total of $3.5 million.
continue at LifeNews 

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