Marquette Gender Dept commandeers Respect for Life Month

Respect for Life LGBTQ Month at Marquette

Marquette, Georgetown and other Catholic colleges and universities have been exposed for replacing pro-life awareness activities with LGBTQ activities over the course of October, “Respect for Life Month.”

Indeed, a quick search of Marquette’s website shows that LGBTQ activities have abounded over the month of October while Pro-Life activities are, evidently, non-existent. (Please let us know if you can find any. Note that on this webpage, “Respect Life Month” themes include LGBTQ persons, the death penalty and immigration and poverty. But where are the activities to raise awareness of the murder of the unborn and the sanctity of every human life from conception to natural death?).

One question: Why? Please feel free to—respectfully— put this question to those charge with advancing Marquette’s mission and ministry and with Marquette leadership.
Louis Joliet Society

1 comment:

Anne Bender said...

I did see the usual display of white crucifixes on the lawn this year, but it seemed smaller than usual and the sign that explained what they represented was folded over and hard to read. Also, I don't think the display was up for more than a few days, not nearly the full month! There was also a very touching display for suicide awareness earlier this month. The entire lawn was full of backpacks with pictures and stories of college students who had taken their own life. Made me cry.