Aborted fetuses are used in vaccines - FACT

Although the Church has taught that Christians are not necessarily culpable for using the vaccines, the fact remains that aborted fetuses are used in vaccines.  I think we have a right to alternatives. 
All vaccines in question – rubella, MMR and chicken pox – among others, are derived from either the MRC-5 or WI-38 cell lines.

According to the National Network for Immunization Information, among numerous sources (Google "WI-38 aborted" or "MRC-5 aborted" for more validations, such as this Salon article, or footnote 1 on this Merck label or even Wikipedia), "WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of three-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted."
Whether or not this has links to autism is another question(and quite frankly beside the point).

H/T Jill Stanek 

MN waking up to smell the $$ in the abortion industry(Steve Drazkowski)
BadgerCatholic: Which vaccines contain aborted babies - Right to Life MI

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Matt said...


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