Wisconsin bishops on how to vote, sort of

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Second Vatican Council emphasized the unique mission of the lay faithful in transforming the political, social, economic, and cultural realms for the sake of the common good. With the 2010 election season approaching, we wish to affirm this Christian mission in your role as citizens. In writing this letter we have no desire to endorse candidates or political parties. Nor do we seek to impose doctrinal beliefs on fellow citizens. Rather, we provide the following framework of Catholic social teaching to assist you in forming your conscience, in evaluating political candidates and public policies, and in fulfilling your calling to bring the love and truth of Jesus Christ into a world where these are so dearly needed.

All of us – laity, religious, and clergy – are imperfect and in need of reform; so too, our democratic institutions. For this reason, every four years, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issues a statement on faithful citizenship (“Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States,” 2007; www.faithfulcitizenship.org). We invite you to read or reread this statement because a well-formed conscience is essential to the Christian life. Here we briefly highlight the statement’s four main themes.

First and foremost, the right to life of every human person – from conception to natural death – is the primary and thus most essential of all human rights. Faith teaches and human reason confirms that human life is not a privilege bestowed on us by others, but rather a right that society must recognize and protect. As Christians, we are called to witness to an authentic “human ecology” which safeguards all human life – no matter how frail or impaired – from being manipulated or destroyed.

Second, the nature of marriage, between a man and a woman, is established by the Creator as the foundation of the family, which in turn becomes the first and vital cell of society. Due to its service to life, including the procreation and necessary formation of new citizens, marriage is a social l –  not just a sacred – good that government needs to recognize, encourage, and protect. “Marriage…contributes to society because it models the way in which women and men live interdependently and commit, for the whole of life, to seek the good of each other” (USCCB, “Between Man and Woman,” 2003). Marriage promotes the interest of children who need the constant love, attention, and guidance of their mothers and fathers to reach their fullest potential.

Third, our consistent life ethic extends from the vulnerable inside the womb to the vulnerable outside the womb. As Catholics we understand that God has a special love for the poor and all those in danger or distress. Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us, “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). As Pope John Paul II explains, “It is not merely a matter of ‘giving from one’s surplus,’ but of helping entire peoples which are presently excluded or marginalized to enter into the sphere of economic and human development. For this to happen…requires above all a change of life-styles, of models of production and consumption, and of the established structures of power which today govern societies” (“Centesimus annus” / “The Hundredth Year,” #58).

Fourth, Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that, “If you want to cultivate peace, protect creation” (World Day of Peace Message, 2010). Our natural resources are gifts from God and we are all responsible for protecting them. Indeed, environmental ecology is intimately tied to human ecology: when we use our natural resources wisely, all human beings, now and in the future, will have the opportunity to thrive.

Being a faithful citizen is never easy. Yet, if Catholics continue to remain engaged, not just politically but also culturally, there is so much good that we will contribute to our nation and to our world.

“Unity in essentials; liberty in non-essentials; charity in both.” This time-honored advice is especially pertinent around election time. While faithful Catholics are united on the essentials of Church doctrine, we sometimes disagree on non-essential matters or in the prudential means of pursuing authentic goods. All of us, however, bear witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ when, in the midst of our vigorous debates, we demonstrate charity and respect for one another.  [So what's non essential?  If all four of these are in the list then there is equal justification for pro-aborts or pro-lifers.  This statement added to the confusion, it did not clarify it.]

We thank you for reading this letter and for your contributions as informed, involved, and faithful citizens. We close by asking you to keep us in your prayers, as you always remain in ours
Mil Catholic Herald

I wish the bishops would use the language of the Catholic Voters Guide.  The bishops have correctly ranked them, but in practicality the voter can say their candidate has number three and four but not number two and one so they are still okay to vote for.  Some of the issues in this list are "non-negotiable" and some are.  Since the bishops are not yet ready to articulate that, pro-abortion "Catholic" democrats can still vote for themselves in good conscience. 


Alex said...

I see your point.

On the other hand, though, issues three and four need to be in there somewhere. We as Catholics need to demand that our pro-life candidates also do a better job on those issues. I think that maybe the GOP candidates in Wisconsin might be the lesser of two evils but we should never pretend, with the mainstream GOP positions on poverty and environmental issues, that they are anything close to the Catholic ideal.

Heck, I'm not even saying that big government welfare programs are necessarily the Catholic ideal. I'd love to see some more leadership from politicians with regard to giving to private charities. I'd love to see more fiscal conservatives come out and explicitly say, "Yes, we're for tax cuts, but you should give some of that extra money to your local church or the United Way instead of just buying more "gadgets." Then it wouldn't seem like we "need" so many government welfare programs. I'd love to see some sort of free-market incentives to pollute less rather than some arbitrary command system.

The only reason it seems like we "need" so many government welfare programs is because too many Catholics and other Christians have abdicated their duty to care for the poor. Rather than pointing at liberals and calling them "socialists" we need to look in the mirror and think about what we could do better. The only reason their ideology stands a chance is because of OUR failures.

Also, you're probably not going to be surprised by this... but I'm pretty sure that the "bishops" didn't really write that. Probably the Wisconsin Catholic Conference staff wrote it and the bishops just signed off on it. I interned with the WCC back in 2007 and it was a great experience. I can say with 100% confidence that any one of the WCC staff members would make a much better governor than either Scott Walker, Mark Neumann, or Tom Barrett.

Badger Catholic said...

I completely agree that the GOP is certainly not ideal. Even some great Catholic minds today like George Weigel have hoped to make capitalism a Catholic thought which is not possible. Sadly even the term "free market" nowadays means exactly the opposite. The article I just linked to states plainly that Weigel has undermined JPII's social teaching. So I understand what you are saying.

With that said, economic principles don't even come to the table until the life issues have been resolved. If Big Farming razes the whole countryside, so be it. If we cannot even protect our greatest natural resource, the human race, we cannot survive as a society. If the DNC insists with sleeping with Planned Parenthood, and that the Stupak Mandate to cave on life issues is in force, they cannot be an option. Quite frankly the DNC is the GOP minus some social principles. Gov Doyle so in bed with Big Farming even vetoed an already approved raw milk bill just last year which would only benefit the small farmer.

BadgerCare(written by GOP Tommy Thompson) is great example of a health care safety net that WORKS, gives the poor coverage and is meant to be utilized on a temporary basis until a family can get on its feet. And GOP Scott Walker voted for it.

You are right that isn't a surprise who wrote the document. I believe you that the staff may be bright, but the political game rarely, if ever, brings forth an ideal candidate. But if they are wrong on the life issues, it's not worth any other good social program put in place. The life issues are non-negotiable.