Rose Ensemble was good, but not American enough

In a group such as the Rose Ensemble, voices are meant to blend, which they did superbly, but a few singers stood out in solo verses. Soprano Kim Sueoka's crystalline voice seemed to perform a duet with itself, thanks to the chapel's resonant acoustics, and soprano Carrie Henneman Shaw brought plangent intensity to her solos in "Stabat Mater."

The women of the group presented a meditative hymn to the saint, "Sia Laudato San Francesco," sung in very clear Italian. Although the program offered a translation, an audience primed for a spiritual experience probably would have connected at a deeper level had the piece been sung in English.

I'm a little dizzy right now because my eyes just rolled so far into the back of my head that I could see my medulla oblongata.... oh wait, sorry.  That's Latin,.... umm let me see... the marrow of the ...oblong thing?  Maybe we can roll through McDonalds to see what they name "Sia Laudato San Francesco"....  I guess the liturgy isn't the only thing that people want to beat over the head with the stupid stick. 

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