Prayers for 5 month old son of former State Rep Mark Gundrum

Former State Rep Mark Gundrum(pro-life) recently had a son with severe facial deformities.  He is now in Boston this morning to have major reconstructive surgery Tuesday(Dec 3) at 6:30am central. This isn't vanity surgery; he needs this eat better and not risk his airway being cut off, the deformity may be causing blindness, plus he has part of the fluid around the brain growing outside his skull. It's a 10 hr surgery. Prayers!  There is a blog for updates on Dominic Pio here.
UPDATE: Newest update,from a nurse, is that the neurosurgeon has finished his part.  That would mean that the "bubble" is now gone.  She said things continue to go well.  Please continue to pray....
UPDATE2: Surgery was successful but prayers still needed

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