WFA: Capitol Christmas Tree

Wisconsin Family Action

Those poor atheists and their hurt feelings. 


Kat said...

...and there's the difference. The FFRF put up their little "holiday" display (what holy day, exactly, is an atheist/secular group celebrating at this time of year, other than a made-up annual holiday called "anti-Christmas"?) and we all laugh, cringe, and feel pity for them because they're really just proving the point of Ecclesiastes 10:3. We, on the other hand, put up a symbol of our faith, and people - religious or not - say, oh, how beautiful!

The foreigner who spoke not a word of English who came to this place would turn in disgust and confusion from the cheap, odd, and tacky nature of the FFRF display and instead drink in the sight of the tree with its beautiful lights. That's how God triumphs - through beauty that needs no human words to speak to the heart, mind, and soul.

Oh, and I think my favorite ornament has to be that yellow one in the third picture, on the very left hand side. I don't know what it is (a happy Christmas cheese with a Santa hat?), but it's awesome.

Terry Nelson said...

Such a beautiful holiday tree.


Badger Catholic said...

That reminds me Terry, I think I am coming up to the Winter Solstice Carnival this year. I'm really excited to see Thor's Oak again.